Neo monsters legendary list
Neo monsters legendary list

It surely seems like it could be worth a 20 or 30 dollar premium if it did not have all kinds of timers on everything. Just let me play the game and gain xp like a normal game. To get stronger you need to wait months for enough gems to get an unlikely chance for a strong monster.This s***** hoop jumping and convoluted training system is not fun at all. Soon your monsters will be too weak to be competitive. But your monsters can only be trained 60 times before you need to use special items on him to allow him to train more. You can then apply these points to train your monster semi randomly.

neo monsters legendary list

Instead of getting experience to level up, you need to earn training points. This is far from it and not in a good way. Gravityisweak's Review of Neo Monsters Reviewed on 6/1/18 8:20 PMĪfter playing Hunter island I was hoping for a similar game. Waste of time star star star_border star_border star_border

neo monsters legendary list

I hope you find my ideas helpful and buff a monster called Aurodragon give him better stats in defense and HP but lower his speed I have been playing for a year now and I recently got a monster called chronozeros who might be the best monster In the game but this is something I need you to hear, This game is difficult because of how hard it is to get rare gems and normal gems you need to add an egg that has more legendary’s like a 20% chance and 60% super epic 20 % epic that requires silver it would make it so people can get stronger with less work although make it so it cost a lot like ultra evolution and you can sacrifice a monster to get a gem in return these ideas might help make this game a global sensation already the game is fun although nerf the first one events and make it so you can obtain them from the event but make it a monthly event you can only get one chance a month but a 60% chance to get one. Sandy 454's Review of Neo Monsters Reviewed on 8/5/18 6:56 PM Challenging yet fun star star star star star_border

Neo monsters legendary list